Informationen zu CoVID-19: EASA Safety Information Bulletin – impfen und danach 48 Stunden warten

CoVID-19: Bitte den aktuellen Hygieneplan beachten!

Zu CoVID-19 und Impfungen empfiehlt die EASA in ihrem SIB No.: 2021-06 :

1. Due to their increased exposure, it is highly recommended for aircrew members to receive the
COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they become available in accordance with the national COVID-19
vaccine roll-out plan.
2. Operators and aircrew members should consider a waiting period of 48 hours after each dose
of COVID-19 vaccine, before aircrew members should be engaged in any flight-related tasks in
accordance with the privileges of their flight crew licence or cabin crew attestation. This
interval could be extended to 72 hours for aircrew members performing single crew

Also wir sollten uns impfen lassen und nach einer Impfung 48 Stunden bis zum nächsten Flug warten!

Bitte bleibt gesund und achtet aufeinander!